6 Responses

  1. 19will at |

    Owwww! What else did you do on Friday?

  2. 19fred at |

    Ouch! That made it a great Friday. How could it bleed so much you need a pad?

  3. 19davi at |

    Is he your regular doctor? If so, then I would stop seeing him. Next time his mistake could be life-threatening. Like diagnosing you wrong and giving you dangerous medication (by dangerous I mean dangerous if it is taken at the wrong time, or incorrectly).

  4. 19bella at |

    Oohhhhhh! Which ever the Friday it was, I had a flu shot on a November Friday too! It didn’t hurt at first,but then it felt like they put a knife through it! My doctor didn’t stick the needle into the wrong part,but she put the bandaid WAY OFF.

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