5 Responses

  1. 19lana at |

    Thanks for the great tips, Anna! I hope I don’t have to take a test that long again, either!

  2. 19bella at |

    Tehe. Me too, I had to chip off a little bit of tutorial,and both periods plus a few extra minutes after the bell rang… I don’t want to have a long test like that again either, but I know we both will…. A LOT. And I agree on the essays… it made me kind of drifted off into something else…😅

  3. pdonnelly at |

    @Anna You thoroughly prepared for this test. You are the type of student who pays attention to many details. Which part of the test took you longer to do? Is there a way to make that faster for you besides taking away part of the test? Or do you think because you write so much and you care to check your work that it takes you longer?

  4. 19bella at |


  5. 19alex at |

    yeah, it was LOOOONG! I don’t want to have another long one (i know we will have many though!)

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