9 Responses

  1. 19jingerc at |

    I love both action and comedy movies . 1 and 2. I like the movie Pecry Jackson and the Lightning Theif which is action and I also like Pitch Perfect which I think is comedy because it is really funny!

  2. 19bella at |


  3. 19fred at |

    All of them! But mostly general, comedy and action.

  4. 19david at |

    Comedy, mostly, so 2.

  5. 19ryan at |

    I don’t like a certain movie put usually I like to watch comedy, horror movies or parody of the famous ones. Other times I like watching scary horror movies, so 2 and 4

  6. 19charlie at |

    Does Anime count as General?

  7. 19david at |


  8. Y at |


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