6 Responses

  1. kschaefer at |

    I think you are correct that once you start to blog that it becomes less about the writing and more about the discussion that can happen with blogs. We want to engage with people when we write as a way to validate our thoughts and posts. Good post and maybe for every post a writer should add a comment to at least one blog post. This would take the role of being a blogger into a communicator by having dialogs. Collaborative conversations instead of competitive conversations would be ideal.

  2. pdonnelly at |

    Ashwin –
    I liked your comment! One part intrigued me in particular….”The more people pay attention to you the better you do in life.” That is a powerful statement. When do you feel people pay attention to you?

  3. 18forbesc at |

    This is a very great post! I am starting to feel the same way that you are. You are a wonderful blogger, and keep up the great work!

  4. 18davisc at |

    Very true Ashwin, I like your post. Keep up the good work.

  5. […] MORE!!! A observation on blogging by: Ashwin S.January 9th, 2012  Tagged blog, more, personal I’ve noticed over the time I’ve been blogging that most people have the same overwhelmingly feeling. That they want more comments more replies or as I phrased it in my title they want MORE!!! Well you think that I am stating the obvious because who wouldn’t want people to see what they were writing that’s the whole point of blogging isn’t it? Well I think that a lot of people want more comments because of human nature. The more people pay attention to you the better you do in life. Even I am feeling like I want more comments (So please comment) it’s just the way we are. A common phrase I say is the perfect way to describe this observation. That phrase is “That’s just life”. http://pdroom212.edublogs.org/2012/01/09/more-a-observation-on-blogging-by-ashwin-s/ […]

  6. 18joshk at |

    I completely agree with everything you said in that post. A blog is supposed to be like an online conversation. Comments make a blog. Get the idea? More comments, more posts, bigger conversation, better blog. Great post Ashwin. Awesome observation.

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