7 Responses

  1. Hyeyoun at |

    I am very touched after I heard the summary of this book from you. This might be a good book for kids like you to read as they could think about or imagine how hard was the life during the Wars and how much kids of those generations suffered.

  2. 19davi at |

    This sounds like a really interesting book. I might pick it up sometime. I’m really interested in WWI, so this might be a fun way to learn about it. Is this book sad? It looks really sad, but at the same time interesting. I hope I like it!

  3. 19david at |

    I loved Lord of the Nutcracker Men. It was really good, and helped me understand WWI from a kid’s eye view.
    @19davi: It is not sad.

  4. 19bella at |

    Hey! I’ve had that book checked out from the library for a long time and I couldn’t read it because of this really long and hard book I’m reading.but I can’t wait!

  5. 19ryan at |

    That seems like an interesting book to read. I’ll look into it.

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