13 Responses

  1. Miriam at |

    That’s so cool Bella!!! 😀

  2. 19lucyw at |

    That was really fun Bella! I really want to work their now it was sad but I was glad we were doing that for them!

  3. 19jennyd at |

    This is a really good story! Sounds like lots of fun but very sad! Good job:)

  4. 19julia at |

    When we went to the hospital it made me all depressed to think about the kids that are there. I was there last year but I got better in a week or so.

  5. 19frannyc at |

    Nice post Bella, which pumpkin is yours?

  6. Bella K. at |

    The one that looks like it’s crying(the very top and three to the right)… It makes sense if you read the second paragraph.

  7. Bella K. at |

    My #10 comment is talking to Franny! Btw

  8. 19julia at |

    Your pumpkin was so good! The nose on my pumpkin got knocked off by someone who is to remain nameless (Bella).

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